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Its mission, purposes and approach

What is the purpose of this website?

Our world is an interconnected system straining under the burden of its own complexity.

  • We see numerous factors combining to.
  • Make the global environment more unpredictable,
  • And difficult to navigate.

In global governance, we see the post-war balance between nation states and the institutional framework that worked to manage it disintegrating. In its place, we see the emergence of new geo-economic competition, new regionalism and new actors.

Academic Curriculum

Nunc et vestibulum velit. Suspendisse euismod eros vel urna bibendum gravida. Phasellus et metus nec dui ornare molestie. In consequat urna sed tincidunt euismod. Praesent non pharetra arcu, at tincidunt sapien.

Bhakti Caitanya Swami’s Involvement in the Lokanath Case

In July 2010, Lokanath's victim Satya wrote a series of compelling statements about her abuse, the 20 years of disregard given to the case, and lack of accountability for Lokanath.Responding to Satya's public statements in 2010, the GBC Second Vice-Chairman Bhakti...

The Arjuna Syndrome, Garuda

September 11, 2021 DO YOU HAVE "THE ARJUNA SYNDROME"? My Dear Vaishnava Sisters and Brothers, I offer all of you my affectionate praṇāmas. Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda! All our relationships in this life, according to our Bhakti tradition, are meant to teach us how to love,...

Thoughts on the Lokanath Swami Case, Amber

 September 17, 2021My personal view, shared by many, just so it has been expressed clearly for the record... I understand that 30 odd years have passed since Lokanath Swami touched a child between the legs, and in other inappropriate ways over the course of several...

The Controversy, Rukmini

October 7, 2021 I write in despair regarding the recent resurgence of extremely serious allegations on a leader within the movement. While my intention is not to publicly shame anyone and I will not be using any names here; I also don’t want my silence to be...

ISKCON’s Code of Ethical Behavior

Yogesavara das (Joshua Greene) October 10, 2021 Dear Mahaman, Bhaktarupa, Tamohara, Navin Shyam, Champakalata, As the GBC Executive Committee intentionally chose not to include any of the child protection advocates from the Lokanath campaign, we thought we'd share...

Patita Pavana’s Letter to Lokanath Swami

Patita Pavana joined ISKCON in 1967 at 26 Second Avenue. In the first couple years within the movement, he served in NYC, San Francisco, New Mexico, Los Angeles, NYC again, Boston, New Vrindavan, and ISKCON Press. October 19, 2021 Dear Lokanatha Maharaja, Please...

Namarasa’s Biased Interview of Lokanath Supporter

October 20, 2021 Dear Namarasa, Please consider these notes on your interview with Sanaka Sanatana: “Ep. #087 | Lokanath Swami's Representation Speaks Out | feat. Sanaka Sanatana Das” In the future, when you do an interview on an active child abuse case, allow someone...