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Its mission, purposes and approach

What is the purpose of this website?

Our world is an interconnected system straining under the burden of its own complexity.

  • We see numerous factors combining to.
  • Make the global environment more unpredictable,
  • And difficult to navigate.

In global governance, we see the post-war balance between nation states and the institutional framework that worked to manage it disintegrating. In its place, we see the emergence of new geo-economic competition, new regionalism and new actors.

Academic Curriculum

Nunc et vestibulum velit. Suspendisse euismod eros vel urna bibendum gravida. Phasellus et metus nec dui ornare molestie. In consequat urna sed tincidunt euismod. Praesent non pharetra arcu, at tincidunt sapien.

Confidential Message from Bir Krishna Goswami to GBC Conference

  1997 From: Bir Krishna Goswami RE: Copy of message to GBC conference Dear GBC members, It is my duty to inform you of the actions of a special GBC subcommittee that dealt with a confidential investigation of Lokanatha Maharaja. The members of the subcommittee...

GBC Told Dhira Govinda Not to Handle Lokanath Case

Letter written by Dhira Govinda das, CPO Director 1998-2004 August 11, 1998 RE: To pursue a case or not Dear Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu and Badrinarayana Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Devotees are beginning to approach me,...

GBC’s Untruthful “Account of Incident”

Brief Account of a 1990 Incident Involving H. H. Lokanath Swami the GBC Decision Feb. 25, 1999 In 1993, a fourteen-year-old girl of Indian background lodged a complaint concerning H. H. Lokanath Swami before some members of the GBC. (The girl is a daughter of...

GBC Minimized Details in Official Report

Letter COM:2134385 (14 lines) From: Yasoda (dd) BKG (USA) Date: 04-Mar-99 01:37 To: Bir Krishna das Goswami [10942] Subject: 1990 Incident Report: Final Version ------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Srila Gurudeva: PAMO AGTYDG AGTSP The...

Mental Health Professional Fraud

In 1993, a GBC Committee, consisting of Bir Krsna Goswami, Badrinarayana, Mukunda Maharaja, Sridara Swami, Virabahu, and Ravindra Swarup, investigated Lokanath Swami's child sexual abuse case, which was first reported that year. As part of their process, they hired...

Can a child abuser live in ISKCON?

Bhagavat das (now Maharaja) with white bead bag.  August 3, 2006My name is Bhagavat Das. I am twice initiated by Srila Prabhupada and I have been around since 1970. My wife Radha and I were licensed foster parents for 9 years. We took care of close to 70 children in...