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Confidential Message from Bir Krishna Goswami to GBC Conference



From: Bir Krishna Goswami

RE: Copy of message to GBC conference

Dear GBC members,

It is my duty to inform you of the actions of a special GBC subcommittee that dealt with a confidential investigation of Lokanatha Maharaja. The members of the subcommittee are: myself, Badrinarayana Prabhu, Mukunda Maharaja, Sridara Swami, Virabahu Prabhu, and Ravindra Swarupa Prabhhu.

It is important that you be aware of the decisions and findings of the committee so that you can properly deal with rumors that are circulating.

Please understand that those matters are strictly confidential.

I am requesting each GBC member to not show this message to anyone else. Also please erase this message after reading it.

Madhusevita Prabhu asked me to add the following: “If a GBC member is detected as having printed or disseminated this report in an unadvised manner he may be subject to censure by the Ex Comm.”

Here are the details:

“In 1990 while staying at the house of a family for a few days Lokanath Swami (Swami x) touched a young pre-adolesent girl in an inappropriate way by putting his hand on her lap. He was sitting next to her on a couch in a families living room, both were holding the Krishna Book in their hands, the hand holding the book (the back of the hand) rested on her lap as he read the Krishna Book. The hand did not move.

In 1993 when the GBC chairman became aware of the incident and appointed a committee to deal with the issue, Swami x was also told to stop all initiations.

The committee conducted a thorough investigation, which included bringing a team of professional experts in New York and involving Mother Yasoda. The cost of the experts exceeded $2,500 for a four day intensive assessment. The experts made an in depth examination Swami x after which they concluded that this unfortunate incident had occurred because of the Swami x’s complete lack of prior experience on the matter of dealing with women. Having learned his lesson (the need to follow the proper social conduct for a sannyasi) they were confident that this incident would not reoccur. They also stated that he had the proper nature of a spiritual leader and should be allowed to continue in this role within our society.

An apology was made by letter and in person to the girl and the family. They were satisfied.

The GBC committee concluded that this deviation from the acceptable conduct had been accidental. So in 1996 after Gour Purnima, he was allowed to begin accepting disciples again.”

It was concluded this year in Mayapura that all prospective disciples of Swami x would be given the history of the above.

Bir Krishna Goswami


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