Its mission, purposes and approach
What is the purpose of this website?
Our world is an interconnected system straining under the burden of its own complexity.
- We see numerous factors combining to.
- Make the global environment more unpredictable,
- And difficult to navigate.
In global governance, we see the post-war balance between nation states and the institutional framework that worked to manage it disintegrating. In its place, we see the emergence of new geo-economic competition, new regionalism and new actors.
Academic Curriculum
Nunc et vestibulum velit. Suspendisse euismod eros vel urna bibendum gravida. Phasellus et metus nec dui ornare molestie. In consequat urna sed tincidunt euismod. Praesent non pharetra arcu, at tincidunt sapien.
Tamohara Corrects Lokanath Case Details
PICTURE: Bhagavat das (now Maharaja) with white bead bag. 2011Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.As the former CPO Director, I naturally had access to the complete files on the Lokanatha Swami case. As it is...
2011 GBC Meeting Minutes SUMMARY
(l to r) Badrinarayan, Praghosh, Lokanath. In 2010, Lokanath’s victim Satya wrote a series of public statements aggrieved at Lokanath’s prominent position in ISKCON. The GBC took notice and in their 2010 Meeting they discussed how to handle Lokanath’s child...
2011 GBC Meeting Minutes FULL
(l to r) Badrinarayan, Praghosh, Lokanath. Appendix G from Panel Report AppendicesOctober 2011 GBC Midterm Meeting Minutes, pg. 4, 14, 15, and 41 LOKANATH SWAMIHcd: bcais will introduce, sesa will give ppt. then questions and answers.Bcais: attention. Read proposal...
2012 Secret GBC Resolution
In 2012 the GBC continued to cover up Lokanath’s sexual abuse of a child by secretly voting on a resolution restricting him from initiating disciples outside of India. Until now, only a few select people in the world have seen this unpublished GBC Resolution.This...
Bir Krishna Goswami Tells Disciple to Stay Silent about Lokanath, 2015-2021
In 2015, one of Bir Krishna Goswami’s female disciples read Satya’s 2010 public statements. This female disciple then asked Bir Krishna Goswami about the Lokanath child molestation case and his involvement in it, and he confirmed to his disciple that “yes, Satya’s...
Abhay Charan and Lokanath Swami Emails
Abhay Charan Das’ Facebook post from June 8, 2021.Further background to this matter that might help devotees trying to understand the circumstances of the incident. I have inserted correspondence between Lokanath Swami and myself from 2017, which may help to...
Lokanath Swami Initiates Child in ISKCON Alachua Temple Room
August 2019This is a video of child molester Lokanath Swami initiating a child at the Alachua ISKCON temple (largest ISKCON community in North America) in 2019, while the community cheers him on. In the video, Lokanath says to the temple president Mukhya before she...
Vedic Inquirer Interview with Krsna Devata and Saraswati
May 2, 2021 Damodara interviewed Krsna Devata and Saraswati about the Lokanath child molestation case. Krsna Devata (KD McComb), Saraswati, and Damodara discuss the issues surrounding the GBC's handling of the Lokanath Swami child...