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Its mission, purposes and approach

What is the purpose of this website?

Our world is an interconnected system straining under the burden of its own complexity.

  • We see numerous factors combining to.
  • Make the global environment more unpredictable,
  • And difficult to navigate.

In global governance, we see the post-war balance between nation states and the institutional framework that worked to manage it disintegrating. In its place, we see the emergence of new geo-economic competition, new regionalism and new actors.

Academic Curriculum

Nunc et vestibulum velit. Suspendisse euismod eros vel urna bibendum gravida. Phasellus et metus nec dui ornare molestie. In consequat urna sed tincidunt euismod. Praesent non pharetra arcu, at tincidunt sapien.

ISKCON Family, Nimai

July 27, 2021 There is a current discussion going on within ISKCON that I can no longer ignore in regards to Lokanatha Swami. It's actually a moral conversation that is much bigger than him or his disciples or even the survivor. Who am I and why do I care? I was born...

Child Abuse and Accountability, Chandrasekhar

August 1, 2021 This is a message from Chandrasekhar das to all the devotees, especially the Millennial second generation, on the topic of child abuse, leadership, and accountability.

Letter to the GBC from Titiksa ACBSP

Titiksa is a Prabhupada disciple that has worked with Gurukulas for roughly 10 years. She co-founded the first Day School model that is still flourishing in Alachua.August 1, 2021Dear Esteemed Members of Srila Prabhupada’s GBCI offer my humble obeisances. All glories...

Natesvari’s Letter to the GBC

August 2, 2021 Hare Krishna dear GBC members, Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada and the Guru Parampara! My name Is Natesvari Yogini Devi Dasi, my initiating spiritual master is HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja and I have been an active...

Cardinal McCarrick v. Lokanath Swami

The Hare Krishna movement is currently wrestling with a 30-year-old case of one of its leaders, Lokanath Swami, molesting a child.The Catholic Church has recently handled a 50-year-old case of one of their leaders, Cardinal McCarrick, molesting a minor.There are...

Hridayananda Swami and Krsna Devata on Child Protection

August 8, 2021Hridayananda das Goswami and Krsna Devata spoke with Damodara on the subject of child abuse in ISKCON."Child abuse is Asura Dharma, it's demonic." - Hridayananda das GoswamiHridayananda das Goswami:“I think there is a lot of hypocrisy if I can just be...

Jitarati Speaks Out on the Lokanath Case

Jitarati das, top rightAugust 15, 2021The principles we all know.You should never be alone with a girl or women, except your wife.The proper protocol would have been to have his servant in the room and to sit on different seats.Completely unnecessary was the holding...

Analyzing the GBC-appointed Panel on the Lokanath Swami Case

August 20, 2021Discussion between:Damodara das of Vedic Inquirer (podcast and online group focused on child protection in ISKCON)Dhira Govinda das, Director of the ISKCON Child Protection Office from 1998-2004Sanaka Rsi das, produced Cost of Silence documentary about...