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Satya’s Statements

July 11th, 2010

Hari bol

I am the girl that Lokanatha touched inappropriately. It did NOT just happen one time in the living room, on the sofa, but rather throughout the week that he stayed he touched me various times inappropriately. I am surprised now (at age 32) that that NASTY, VILE PEDOPHILE did not try to rape me.

He took my innocent father’s words of “she is growing up here in America, why don’t you teach her some more Indian culture” and turned into his way of taking advantage of me. He called me various times through out that week (it was Easter vacation so I had off), and it was hot, so I was wearing shorts. I was 11 and 1/2 years of age. I sat down next to him after he insisted many times, and he decided he would teach me how to play the harmonium. He several times, rubbed his hand up and down my leg, inner leg, and out, as I was seated there next to him and the harmonium. I asked him “what are you doing?” to which he replied “nothing, just concentrate on the harmonium.” I cannot TELL YOU HOW HORRIFIED AND DIRTY I FELT inside.

Through out the days, he then once woke me up singing “jeeva jago, nidra chadi uttha jeeva” and when I got up ( I was wearing shorts), he patted me on my butt. I ran into my mother’s room, and into her walk in closet and hid, and he came in after me. He pulled me out, saying “why are you hiding” and again touched me on my butt, held my hands and put his arms around me.

Again he called me for harmonium lessons, and then when he touched me inappropriateley AGAIN on my leg, I got up and ran into the kitchen and went to my mother who was cooking prasadam for this ASS. I went to my friend Sangeeta’s home later that day to play, and I told her he disgusts me, I don’t like him, and I don’t like the way he touches me. He makes me feel so dirty. She didn’t know how to react, at age 8, but she said just tell your mother.

The next day, he called me in the living room, and asked me to bring the Krsna book and read it to him. He had me sit RIGHT NEXT TO HIM, leaving no space between us. He PLACED HIS HANDS ON MY CROTCH, NOT ON MY LAP, and said I am keeping the book from touching you there, so just keep reading. He kept his hand there, and any time my mother would walk by the room,he would QUICKLY REMOVE HIS HAND AND PLACE IT ABOVE MY HEAD (around me). He did this several times throughout the course of an hour, and after that sick feeling inside me became the most prominent thing for me, I told him I was tired, and I left the room.

The day after that, some of his bogus followers were there at our house, and when I came inside from playing with my friend (having a dirty feeling inside me the whole time), the ASS had a nerve to call me several times to sit next to HIM in front of everybody. I told him NO!, and ran away.

Thank GOODNESS the nasty pedophile left the day after, and when my dad suggested I touch his most UNHOLY DISGUSTING FEET I SAID NO! I will not. I told my mother about everything the night before, and she was shocked, disgusted and appaulled at everything.

What could a defenseless 11 year old child do? Just say no, and tell her mother. There was no legal actions that I knew of at the time that I could take. If I had known how to kick that ASS in his groins to teach him a good lesson, I would have. But I didn’t know at the time what to do.

Yes, that silly investigation happened by Yashoda and she just followed me around the house, asking me where this and that happened, and how this and that happened. We WERE PROMISED THAT LOKANATHA would be punished. He was NOT.

His stupid misled followers still blindly followed him, and accused me of lying.

I will never forget what I have been through.. Till this day, Ravindra Swarupa, the head of our nearest temple, acts like nothing happened, and was nonchallant about the whole thing. He has always had a cold, DISRESPECTFUL approach towards our family. We trusted him, and he nor the GBC (garbage committee) never followed through. BUT THAT IS OK, THE LAW OF KARMA AND LORD SHRI KRISHNA WILL. That is who THEY will have to answer to ultimately.

PLEASE POST THIS TO YOUR WEBSITE. I have remained quiet long enough. I will not be quiet any longer.

Thank you,



July 12, 2010

Hari Bol,

I appreciate your website and your endeavors towards the truth. This is like a locked up child being released after so many years in the darkness.

No child SHOULD EVER be kept quiet about such horrific and life tainting events.

I am thankful I came across your website (totally by chance) and its like it was supposed to happen.

Thank you,

Hari bol,



July 13, 2010

I never let it go, and I never EVER thought it was right or OK. Even at age 11 I knew it was wrong, it felt wrong from the core of my being, and that is why I told my mother, my sister and brother, my family. I never intended that this would get stretched out. My brother in law even tried to bring this out into the open, and he and my sister were chastised for this. I was very young, and I took the words of my brother to “let the Law of Karma and Lord Krishna take care of this.” By the time the GBC came around I was 15.

The whole situation felt so dirty and wrong, and as an adolescent, I took the advice of my elders. At that time, though it felt wrong, I didn’t fight it aggressively, and my family wanted to take the “humble route.” Though I appreciate their trying to be humble, there is a TIME AND PLACE TO BE HUMBLE AND THIS WAS NOT ONE OF THEM.

At age 32, I can NOW SEE THAT. And I have quietly sat back, and watched the nonsense that has been going on in the movement. I saw Lokanatha/Joker natha at the NYC and Gita Nagari Rathayatra. I wanted to SPIT IN HIS FACE. That ass had the allowance to give lecture, to sing, and to sit on the cart and do arati to Lord Jagganatha.

I hated him when I had to see him in public. And to see that this was his punishment? Being given articles to write in BTG, being given accolades as a guru, getting all the priveledges of a sannyasi– this was what his punishment was??



The SILENCE has been broken, and after seeing all this nonsense, no more silence. It has been a LONG TIME COMING for the TRUTH to BE TOLD and SPOKEN.



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