Jitarati Speaks Out on the Lokanath Case

Jitarati das, top right
August 15, 2021
The principles we all know.
- You should never be alone with a girl or women, except your wife.
- The proper protocol would have been to have his servant in the room and to sit on different seats.
- Completely unnecessary was the holding of the book by Lokanath Swami, which allowed him to sit with his body touching hers, and led to his hand touching her private parts.
- The above 3 points prove ill intent beyond a doubt, and no further information is needed to prove that fact.
- Satya was, and is, far more advanced than the so called Swami. She was a victim, a heroine, and a savior. She intuitively understood his ill intent and bravely tried to avoid him, and by that heroic act, saved him from a much worse degrading eventuality.
- Lokanath Prabhu, should have immediately begged for forgiveness and profusely thanked her for saving him from further degradation. He must still do that and give up his useless sense of self importance. He can then begin his spiritual life.
The *160 TP’s unanimous vote to change the perpetrator into the victim has set the degraded standard for sannyasa and guru in ISKCON to a standard unheard of in our vaisnava parampara.
Your servant,
Jitarati das
*Jitarati is referring to the ICC (Indian Continental Committee) which is comprised of ISKCON temple presidents of India.