Indian Continental Committee Discussing Lokanath

On July 9, 2021, members of ISKCON’s India leadership, including representatives from the ISKCON Indian Continental Committee (ICC) and ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC), met to discuss Lokanath’s child molestation case.
In this leaked recording of their meeting, ISKCON’s India leadership discussed Lokanath’s child abuse case in relation to the ICPO (ISKCON Child Protection Office).
At 2:49:30, Pancaratna Das, temple president of ISKCON Jaipur says, “The ICC does not accept the ICPO, not in this case, and not at all. We do not accept the ICPO as a body, and we do not accept Kamlesh Krishna as a leader.”
The ICC thinks there should be no Child Protection Office in ISKCON. They also think it’s acceptable for a self-admitted child molester to be worshipped as a guru in the society of ISKCON.