GBC Told Dhira Govinda Not to Handle Lokanath Case

Letter written by Dhira Govinda das, CPO Director 1998-2004
August 11, 1998
RE: To pursue a case or not
Dear Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu and Badrinarayana Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Devotees are beginning to approach me, in the capacity of my service for the Child Protection Office, about the situation of Lokanatha Maharaja. I understand why in the past there have been special efforts to not publicize the case (e.g. the psych. report that there is minimal chance of recurrence, the preaching mission, etc.). But every other case that has come to the attention of this Office has been put on a list of cases to resolve. As I see it, the case is exacerbated by ISKCON continuing to place Lokanatha Maharaja in a high profile position. I’m afraid that this will simply cause devotees who know, or who have heard rumours, about the situation, to become increasingly irritated.
For instance, I’ve just received a message from a devotee who recently read the Prabhupadanuga Newsletter, which apparently had an article by Lokanatha Maharaja. The devotee knew something about his transgression of a few years back, and this article really aggravated her.
I’m getting similar feedback from various sectors. I think Lokanatha Maharaja is also the ISKCON Minister for Social Development. Devotees are asking, at least implicitly, why has ISKCON chosen as Minister of Social Development someone in the renounced order who made sexual advances to an 11 year old girl?
And further, why is this case not open to the Child Protection Office?
What do you suggest?
Your servant,
Dhira Govinda dasa